Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 6 Thing 13, 14, and 15

Del.icio.us--what a wonderful site. It allows me to access all of my bookmarks from whatever computer I'm at. It lets me tag and organize all of the sites so they're more than a never ending list of sites (Whogoes back and looks at all of those sites? Sometimes I look at things I've bookmarked and say "What was I thinking?") They're organized and accessible. Of course, I've spent most of the evening surfing for things to save and tag. Web 2.0, Library 2.0, books I want to read, movies to see, should I buy a Kindle. . . It's so easy to surf away from the task at hand.

Technorati--the concept of tagging is wonderful. This site, though, not so much.

There seems to be a wealth of sites with information about how to integrate Web 2.0 into services for patrons. Just looking at the Library 2.0 tag in Del.icio.us provides an avalanche of information about how to learn and use the different Live Web tools. To ignore all of the wonderful instruments that our students see as commonplace keeps us from making school and education relevant, and could make the future of libraries "fraught with peril."

1 comment:

Lifelong Learner said...

Del.icio.us is a wonderful site. I like not only being able to organize information, but to quickly find additional information on the same topic.

You are so right about being able to use these tools to make school and education relevant. We need to be knowledgeable about these Web 2.0 resources in order to reach students where they are and to help students use them effectively.